Monday, April 15, 2013


In no particular order:

It was really hard to visit Evie at first because it felt like she was somebody else's baby.  Sometimes I still feel that way.

I am terrified that Evie will be severely handicapped. . . mostly because I don't know anybody who is really handicapped, and I don't know what it would be like.

I desperately want to go see every other baby in the NICU.  Why am I so curious?  Why do I want to compare? I don't know.

I'm scared that Evie won't learn how to nurse.  (I know she will learn to eat, but breast feeding is really special/important to me.)

Sometimes I am really scared Evie will die.  I worry about that at least once a day.

I want to know everything about CMV, and I also don't want to know anything at all, because the possible long-term outcomes scare me.

I want to meet the other mommies I see in the NICU, but I am too scared to introduce myself.

I've cried in front of Valerie June WAY too many times.

When Evie comes home, I will not be away from her for even 2 seconds!!!  She will sleep in our room until she hits puberty I think.

I don't want people to ever stop praying for Evie, even when she comes home, even when she is super healthy. (And she will come home!)


  1. Dear Vera,
    I love so much that you posted your "confessions." I just wish I could take you in my arms and give you absolute answers to soothe your fears. But I can't, her precious life is unfolding moment by moment. I do know one or two absolutes, we are her family & we will stick by her forever, and you, Kabir & Valerie are the best family Evie could every find!!
    Love Mamma Momo

  2. Oh my dear Vera!

    Don't worry about the breast feeding I couldn't nurse Nathan for so long but I pumped every two hours like you I never felt I'd allow him to leave my side the connection is so deeply rooted!

    I did learn that when I finally brought him home I still needed the sound of the pump to release my milk.

    You may be far away but you and your little one are in my prayers always. Carole
