Friday, April 19, 2013

Go Evie Go!!

I decided to name this post after Valerie's new favorite show "Go Diego, Go!"  (See cute little Diego, pictured below.) Only these days we are mostly cheering for Evie- Go Evie, Go!!

Great News on Evie's Liver!

I spent Monday night researching liver failure online and crying, crying, crying.  I had discovered that liver failure means death for babies in many cases.  How terrifying!!  So I looked up every cause of liver problems in neonates I could find, and then I spoke with Dr. Horst on Wednesday:

"You mentioned that livers usually heal quicker than this with CMV.  I know the specialist came by this morning. . . so what is causing Evie's liver to get so bad?" I asked.  "Is it possible that one of her medicines is having a side effect on the liver?"

"Geez," said Dr. Horst.  "I am trying to keep a day ahead of your thinking!  Actually, we just decided to take Evie off her viral med this morning, since it can cause side effects on the liver in extremely rare cases!  We'll know in a couple of days whether this hypothesis is right, because her liver counts will get better once the med is out of her system."

Well, the hypothesis was right!! Now that Evie has been off Ganciclovere for 3 days, all of her liver counts are improving . . . phew!  Bilirubin is down, other enzymes are down, and even the swelling is down on her belly.  Also, today was the first day Evie was not bright orange with yellow tears or yellow saliva.  That liver is going to heal! Go Evie, Go!

Brain Scan on Monday

Evie has had 4 weeks of the prescribed 6-week course of ganciclovere.  Remember, this antiviral helps fight the CMV, has been shown to reduce the risk of hearing loss later in life, and may even decrease the chances for mental disabilities.  However, it is not worth the risk of causing liver failure to keep Evie on it.  I am very happy with the decision, and I also realize that I don't care what disabilities Evie may have. . . I just want her body to be ok!

On Monday Evie will get a brain scan (MRI) to try and get an idea what, if any, brain damage has occurred as a result of this infection.  So far, doctors have discovered 2 or 3 tiny calcifications in the motor/sensory area of Evie's brain.  (These were discovered via ultrasound when Evie was 2 weeks old.)  On Tuesday we will meet with Evie's doctor and a neurologist to review the MRI findings.  We are cautiously optimistic that they won't find much damage to Evie's brain.  We appreciate any more good Ju Ju you all can send our way!  (It seems to be working for us!)

I will post again with the brain scan info next week.  Remember, no matter what they find, Evie could meet all her milestones as a developing baby and end up ok!  Don't give in to fear and worry, just hold tight to positive thoughts.  (I think I'll have to re-read that last sentence myself a few times again before that meeting on Tuesday!)


  1. Go Evie Go!!! You are surrounded by waves & waves & waves of love and healing energy. Your Momo

  2. Go Evie, Go!!! Flying home to CA from Europe tomorrow and beaming light, love and super positive energy down to you, Evie and family ~ Metta from Denmark (Pearl's friend)
